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I am in my early 30's and I am your typical (EXTREMLY BLESSED), dedicated wife and mother....just with a little extra SPARKLE sprinkled in!

I have had a very strong connection to "something more" my entire life; initially in the form of prophetic dreams and a very deep connection to the feelings and hidden emotions of others.  Growing up, I had always been referred to as overly sensitive and sometimes a little spacey; always following the beat of my own drum.  Little did people know (nor did I at the time) that I may have been a little sensative and distracted because, not only was I attempting to process my own emotions and energies-but also those of everyone else  around me as well.  This is NOT an easy task, and it had made my teenage years QUITE the rollercoaster; to say the least! 

Over the years I began to realize that there was something different about me.  I started to notice that not everyone was able to "just know" random things, nor could other 16 year olds offer deep, heart-felt guidance to grown adults; for example.  There was definitely something more at play,  and so my research began. 

The more I dug in, the more answers I found; occasionally to things that I didn't even realize were out of the ordinary!  The more I learned, the less  isolated I felt.  I no longer thought I was "wrong" for possessing the (wonderful) gifts that I never sought out in the first place.  Through my independent studies, I began to not only accept my gifts, but to also utilize them to bring comfort to others. 

My abilities were significantly enhanced with each of my (very complicated) pregnancies; both of which resulted in emergency deliveries-and my own first hand realization of just how precious and miraculous life really is.  At those moments I understood that there is so much more to what I thought life was.  After my twins were born, it was like a light turned on inside of me and I decided that I was no longer going to be ashamed of my God given gifts and that I would now actively do all that I could to bring comfort, guidance and love to anyone I could.  From that point forward I have been developing and fine tuning my abilities through classes and workshops so that I can bring the very  best of me to all of you.  I have received instruction through these workshops under several well known psychic mediums; such as Lisa Owen, Sunny Dawn Johnson and Lisa Williams. I am a Certified Reiki Practitioner and  in November of 2016, I received my Certificate of Ordination from Spiritually Rooted In Miracles of North Tonawanda NY; further backing my abilities and Spiritual Guidance. 

Although Im still discovering all that is a part of me, as I continue to grow and expand myself; I now know that I have the innate ability to feel and connect with the emotions of others.  I can not only offer intuitive guidance, but I also understand how this guidance will be received, and how we can put it into action.  Together we can discuss how to go about achieving the joy that so many of us are lacking, and really needn't be! 

I am also able to sense, feel and hear spirit, as well as interpret the visual imagery that is provided to me.

I am intrigued by all things holistic and/or metaphysical and it is my desire to share with others all of the light and love that can be found within each of us.  We all deserve the  joy, internal connection and emotional elevation achieved by discovering our spark within, and although sometimes buried deep, this light is accesible to us all, and I would love to assist you in connecting with yours!

I hope to bring comfort to others through the knowledge that life really does go on.


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